Friday 23 May 2008


Hello old chaps, happy weekend to you all!

Now, a few weeks ago, E & J decided to grow some sunflowers. Of course, being the helpful (nosey) Airedales that we are, we had to help them out!

Here's J checking out the flowerpots with Cassidy keeping an eye on things.

And E clowning around for the camera too.

They are such silly billies! Look at Cassidy watching, wondering what on earth they are doing, har har!

And of course if one does it, the other has to try it out too.

I thought I ought to get involved to try and get them to concentrate on the job in hand. Didn't really work though.

And then I got a bit distracted because I spotted my Kong on the table.

Anyway, soon everyone settled down and the pots were filled with soil.

They made holes for the seeds with their fingers, then planted a few in each pot.

Here they are all planted. If you look, you can see that Princess Cassidy has now retired to her throne to watch over proceedings.

Watering time. Yes, Miss Nosey Parker just had to get of her bed to check what was happening.

As the girls are only here at weekends, we promised them we'd keep the sunflowers watered and generally take good care of them.

And here they were after a week! All but one pot sprouted.

As you can see, Cassidy made a thorough job of inspecting the seedlings.

A very thorough job! She had lots of mud in her beard after this. She tried to tell mummy a mud pack would be good for her beard!

And this weekend when the girls came, the seedlings were big enough to be planted outside. As usual, little sis had to be in the thick of it.

Here her & J are deciding which are the strongest seedlings. We only planted the biggest and healthiest looking sunflowers.

The little pots were actually made of something biodegradable, so they could be planted too, nice and easy!

After all the bossing everyone about, Cassidy needed a little rest.

The seedlings seem to be doing well. We have both promised not to eat them, and hopefully by the height of summer we'll have some lovely jolly sunflowers growing along the back fence.

Toodle pip

Harry x


Tadpole said...

What a lovely project! We cannot have anything like that here because Fig and I cannot control our desires to EAT any and every plant.

I wonder how big your sunflowers will get?!

Dandy Duke said...

What a fun project for the girls! We can't wait to see the sunflowers in full bloom!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Oh that is nice you are taking care of them for the girls.

Ferndoggle said...

Um, that little human looks like she's got a very green thumb. Think she could send part of it to my Mom??


Snowball said...

I can't wait to see the sunflower when it bloom. Please dun ever chew on them.


Amber-Mae said...

Wow, must have been very difficult to supervise little cheeky E. But looks like the job is done!n Hopefully nice sunflowers will grow out soon.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Patience-please said...

Oooh what fun girls and what a fun job! We helped with a potting project, well, Lindy Loo and Swede William did, just this morning. We think there might be mention of it tomorrow. The servant was not so grateful for the help. Go figure.

wags from the whippets

Faya said...

Oh c'est tellement beau les Tournesols...Attention ne les mangez pas ou les filles ne seront pas contentes !
Bisous et bon week-end, Faya

Simba and Jazzi said...

I take it you will be watering the sunflowers, cough cough.

Simba x


That's a great project for children. Mum did that at school with her class but the planted beans instead. She loves sunflowers and she tried to plant some on the balcony but they didn't grow well last year so she will try again. You are both good promising not to eat them. If you wait long enough you many get some sunflower seeds and they are yummy.

Gaia the Airedale said...

Cassidy you are so cute! The kids looked like they were having lots of fun with that project :)

puppy breath,

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
Sure the girls had a very interesting weekend with that project!
I am sure you two will take good care of the sunflowers planted there in the yard!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

what fun! I wish we could grow things here but it is just too darn hot and dry. Keep us posted on the progress and let us know if you get to eat any seeds, they are delicious!

Noah the Airedale said...

What a great idea...sunflowers are just beautiful and they grow so big. Can't wait to see the end result!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

the many Bs said...

hi Harry and Cassidy, it looks like you are going to have some very nice sunflowers in your garden this summer. that is a fun project for Cassidy to help with. now don't go digging them up, okay?


The Airechicks said...

What a lovely planting pawty....

Harry, your girls are too cute...

And Miss Cass waht a wonderful job of supervising ......

Please lets have more pics of the sunny sunflowers....

Have a wonderful weekend ...Give those girls BIG AIREKISSES.....


Agatha and Archie said...

We cant wait to see the final product! Love A+A

The Black and Tans. said...

Hi Harry and Cassidy

You must have green paws...well those seedlings grew so quickly under your supervision!

Molly and Taffy

Myeo said...

We just cant wait for the sunflowers to grow.

Boy n Baby

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Cassidy is doing a pawsome job supervising. It'll be lovely to have sunflowers in your garden. :)

~ Girl girl

Dexter said...

You will like your sunflowers. They grow really fast and are huge (also good to eat).


P.S. Check out my bloggy from yesterday. I think that bobble head looks a bit like Cassidy.

Unknown said...

Hi buddies...
Hi from Spain. We have annotated ourselves in the International Goody Exchange List And they have assigned us to you, Harry and Cassidy, but we do not know yours direction of email to contact and that give us the direction where to send the package. This way that please, they contact with us to Thank you very much … We hope that they send us an email.

sorry to my english.. I´m a dog and speak in spanish...

a big hug

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hi Harry....!!!

What a nice job you two did helpin' the hooman pups plant the sunnyflowers....Mumsie planted em one year, but the deer ate them....chomp chomp...just like they ate all our tulips this year..!!!

We saw a 9 month old Dalegirl at the park yesterday...she looked soooo much like Cassidy....her name is Sneakers!!! Very cute chica!!

Go to our bloggie...Babystan's a nephew....wait till ya see his uncle!!!!!

Lakie nibbles...

Willow the Black Dale said...

Oh Harry your girls are adorable(that means Miz Cassidy too). I hope all those sunflowers grow nice and tall. Can't wait to see the pictures.
Willow the Black Dale

Urban Smoothie Read said...

nice biodegradable pots...

i hope to see those sunflower bloming in ur garden soon...

Princess Patches said...

That's a great project, Harry. One thing might want to leave the watering to K and M. I am not sure they will do very well with 'dale water! We like to eat Sunflower seeds, but the seeds don't like US very well. Everytime we eat them, we have problems with our um...poopies. We can't digest the seeds and it's kind of like trying to poop out peach seeds. Not a pretty sight!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

2shibas said...

Just make sure you keep them watered with, ahem, WATER and not the other thing...

Great job!

Wiley & Fievel

Clover said...

Hi guys!
Looks like you all had a great time with sunflower planting! My mom planted some red ones in our yard... I will show you some pictures if they grow!
Love Clover xo

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh the girls (Cassidy included) are having si much fun! Don't forget to water them with H20.. Not the other kind of *ahen* 'water*...

BenTheRotti said...

Hey Harry & Cassidy,

wow that looks like fun! My little beans planted some sunflowers too.. and strawberries, peppers, cucumbers, cress etc etc but i was banned from the proceedings, mainly because i seemed to like undoing the planting with a spot of digging.. oops!
Mum did some hanging baskets and planters at the weekend and i got to stick my nose in the dirt, I thought it was funny, Mum didn't look too amused though hehehe

We will have to compare photos of the outcome of the sunflowers :)

Anyhoo.. it seems i have you on my list for the international goodie exchange so Mum says could you please fire your address off to my e-mail.. and Mum says could you also mention anything you don't like.. or are banned from having hehehe

love, licks and tail-wags,

Ben xxxx

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Ooo, I love sunflowers! Looking forward to seeing them once they're full grown. I hope that Cassidy is helping water them, hehehe! Jx

Kimi Wagner said...

Hey Cassidy,

You're looking very busy making sure the plantings were done right and proper. Your nose seems to be everywhere, just like me, minding everyone else's business. Ha Ha.

Don't mind me saying, you're blooming into a very beautiful Airedale girl. My Mum can't get used to the long tail you've got there, we know the UK won't allow tail docking anymore, but it just looks weird from our end that your tail is so long. We can't seem to get over that. But you are so PRETTY!!
