Sunday 11 July 2010

Harry 13/03/1997 - 10/07/2010

Sleep tight our darling boy Harry.



Duke said...

Harry died on my birthday. We are just so sorry to hear this news! We will never forget you, Harry. You were one sweet boy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

Oh My...we are so sorry to hear about Harry. Know that you gave him love and comfort as he grew older, and now he is happy and free. Our love to Lady Cassidy.

gussie n teka

Finni said...

We'll miss him! :(

Hugs to you all.

Finni, Nelly & Elke xxx

Lorenza said...

I am so sorry to know about Harry.
You gave him all the love and attention he deserved these almost 3 years.
Take care

Peanut said...

Goodbye Harry. We will miss you old boy. May you run free.

Bogart H. Devil said...

We will look up into the sky tonight to see the newest large, Harry-shaped star in the sky...

Sending you all LOTS OF LOVE, and BIG AIRE KISSES from Bogart...

Lulu & Bogart

Bogart H. Devil said...

We will look up into the sky tonight to see the newest large, Harry-shaped star in the sky...

Sending you all LOTS OF LOVE, and BIG AIRE KISSES from Bogart...

Lulu & Bogart

The Airechicks said...

Harry -

Goodnight Sweet Prince!

Thank you for for sharing your wonderful world with Ma & Pa, Cassie & the girls and us.

We will miss seeing your sweet Airedale face and lovely antics.

You are very much loved, Thank you for helping heal Ma & Pa's hearts and giving Cassie the love that all Airedales give to each other in their own special ways.

Please watch over Ma & Pa & Cassie and the girls - and tell Oscar we said "Hey!"

Safe journey Teddy Bear Harry...


Faya said...

I am so sorry for sweet Harry. Mais vous l'avez rendu heureux comme il vous a rendu heureux.
Amitiés, Véronique, Faya & Dyos

Agatha and Archie said...

We just saw that you were back and saw this about our dear boy.Run with the wind and and with all of our dearest friends over the bridge....A million kisses Agatha and Archie

Lacy said...

saddd woofs, oooo my, i am sooo sorry...bless ur hearts...u gave him a loving home...saw this on Facebook and had to come over...RIP Harry, run with the wind..

a sad,
angel lacylulu
and mama...

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

We are very sorry to hear about the loss of Harry. He will be with you again someday. For now he is your guardian angel.

With tears in our eyes,

Becky, Duhgall and Fiona

Dexter said...

I read about Harry on Maggie and Mitch's blog. I am so sorry. He was a grand old guy.

Mango Momma

Asta said...

Sleep wif the angels deew Hawwy
I know you had a wondewful life wif little Cassidy .
I hope Oscaw is holding youw paw and showing you the bootiful life ovew the wainbow.
I hope to see you one day
all my love to youw family'll be gweatly missed
smoochie kisses

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Katy and Martin...

Asta's mom emailed us...I am so upset...Harry was such a healing force in blogland from when you lost Oscar. We hadn't started blogging yet when that happened and watching the community of love grow and grow was what convinced us to start...

We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers...we know Cassidy must be a bit lost too....give her hugs for us!

And we truly know that Oscar gave Harry a true Dale welcome at the Bridge...

Run free dear Harry...we love you!

In tears,

Scruffy, Lacie, Babystan and Mumsie

Anonymous said...

Our sincere and deepest condolences on Harry's crossing to The Rainbow bridge. We here know far too well that the loss of a loyal and faithful companion for so many years can be a deep emotional hurt. Our prayers are with you all as well as with Harry.
- The Bumpass Hounds and Kitties

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Harry...I've missed hearing about him and Cassidy! Run free, Harry...we will miss you dearly.


Noah the Airedale said...

You will be missed Harry my friend.

Until we meet again.

Noah x

the many Bs said...

we are so sorry to hear about Harry. he had such a good life with you. we know that he and Oscar are telling stories to each other now. hugs and love to you.

woofs from the 4Bs and our human peg

Jeannie and Marvin said...

Katy I am so sorry to read about Harry.

My thoughts are with you all.

lots of sad hugs, Jeannie and Marvin xxxxxx

Princess Patches said...

Rest well, sweet Harry. Run free and play with Oscar and our Poppy and everydoggie else that went to the bridge before you! You will always be missed, but we feel a little comfort from knowing that you were so happy and so well loved during your golden years!

Penny & Patches

Mack said...

We are so sorry to hear about dear Harry.
He is with my angel mom Emily now.

Sad sugars,

3 doxies said...

Oh I am truly sorry for your loss.May you always hold tight to such wonderful memories of Harry.

Rest in peace Harry.


ScrapsofMe said...

I'm coming over from Maggie n Mitch to offer our sympathies to you during this sad time.

Soft woofie kisses,
Bonnie the wee Scottie and her support staff.

Jake of Florida said...

Katie and Martin,

We are so sorry to hear that Harry is gone. As we told Maggie and Mitch when we read the sad news on their blog, Harry was part of the Happiness of Harrys after we got suggestions for what a bunch of Harrys should be called. Remember?

We're sending you love and warm thoughts to help you heal after this sad loss.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry --- and Joan

Joe Stains said...

Oh Harry, we will all miss you but we know you are hanging out with Oscar now. Give him a big Aire Kiss for us.