Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Limp Laptop!
Just to let you all know that we're all fine, but the laptop had a run in with a glass of drink and came off worst, so until Martin manages to revive it (or God forbid we have to get a new one, argh!), we'll be a bit quiet (writing this at work, shh!).
Talk to you all soon I hope,
Katy for Harry & Cassidy x
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Best Puppy In Show!
Today mummy finded some free time to take me (and Big Harry and daddy and E and J came too to cheer me on) to our Airedale club show. My dog mummy Maggie, my brother Mick and my sissy Lottie beed there too, whee!
Here be Mick doing his thing. How handsome is he! Yes, me knows he's my brother, but me be proud of him. He winned best boy puppy.
Lottie did the companion classes but all the photos of her be really, really blurry, boo hoo! She really enjoyed herself and she getted a 1st for best dog under 2 years old, and 2nd for best condition, then a 2nd for best companion Airedale, whee! She had great fun and loved strutting her stuff! If her daddy has nice photos I will post some as she no has a bloggy but she reads mine. We had soooo much fun playing bitey face. Me was a bit bossy and putted her in a head lock a few times, but she no minded!
Then it beed my turn. Here mummy be getting me standing nicely for the judge.
Then the judge comes to look me over. Me has to stand nice and still and alert.
Checking my teethies, eyes and bone on my face and head. Me beed a good girl today, no slobbery kissies for the judge!
Then he has to feel all over my body starting with my shoulders. He be checking to see how sound my construction is, how much muscle me has, how my coat texture is and so on.
And he best bit, going round the ring. Me love, love, loves showing off. Mummy gives me a little chuck under the chin and we're off!
See how happy me is! Me not really supposed to look at mummy, me supposed to look straight ahead. Never mind!
Doing a bit better here. Me getted best puppy girl. Which meant me had to challenge my brother Mick for best puppy, tee hee!
So here be me and Mick. At first we just wanted to play, but eventually mummy and Mick's daddy got us to stand still!
And me getted best puppy in show, whee! It probably be bad form to beat your breeder tee hee! Nah, they be very pleased for us, and it is good for them to get 2 of their dogs the best puppy and reserve puppy. Our mummy Maggie winned reserve best bitch. Me beed a bit excited as you can see!We also entered special beginners and we got a 1st in that too! Here the judge be writing his critique about me. It will be published in one of the doggy papers, so when it be published, mummy will let you know what the judge said.
So me has got 3 more rosettes for my collection! Daddy will have to make me a pin board to put them on.
Our parcel from Verdi & Gaucho from the present exchange arrived on Saturday. It be great!! Mummy needs to take some more photos then we will post about it (probably after mummy's exam on Wednesday). Muchas gracias Verdi y Gaucho!
Cassidy x
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Dog Show Roundup!
Last weekend we went to the Southern Counties Show in Newbury, which be about 30 minutes drive from home. It be a big Championship show. My breeders be there with my brother Mick.
Here's Mick strutting his stuff!
As you see, he be bigger and more muscly than skinny ribs me. He winned best Airedale puppy dog (boy), then best Airedale puppy (so you should guess by that that me didn't win Airedale puppy bitch!).
Here he be on the right in the line up for Best Airedale boy. The others be the winners from the other classes like Junior, Post Graduate and Open.
Daddy taked the photos but he didn't have the zoomy lens so the photos no be great.
Me had to stand so the judge could look at me and feel me, then move around the ring. Here me be standing back with the others.
Me getted a third out of three, tee hee! Ah well, somebody got to be last. If you compare me to the other puppies, you can see that me looks a lot less mature, and me still has lots of paler puppy coat rather than the deep tan they has on their legs. Both the other girlies be 1 this month, so this was probably their last show in puppy class, cos it only be up to 12 months.
Me behaved like a little angel though, everybody telled me that, and me had fun which is the main thing.
Also, by getting placed third (even though that be last in this case), me has qualified for Crufts next March!
Even though it costed quite a few pennies to enter, they didn't give out rosettes, meanies!
Yesterday there beed a fun dog show at a village fete near home. Me entered any variety puppy. There beed about 11 or 12 of us altogether of all shapes and sizes. Here me be standing nicely as you can see, tee hee!
Waiting for the judge to look at me. When we were in the ring, a big bunch of majorettes/band started up and it beed so loud, that's why my tail not be too happy.
Ooops, my tail still be down. It popped up when me be moving round the ring, but not when me beed standing right next to that noisy band.
Anyway, me still managed 4th place out of 11, so pretty good me thinks. The doggies that got 1st - 3rd all beed beautiful. A Red Setter winned and she was stunning.
A bit later Big Harry went in for best veteran. That be doggies over 7 years old. Me thinks there beed 8 or 9 doggies in his class. We no knows if Big Harry has ever done showing, but he seemed a natural.
Aw, look at my fuzzy big brother. He had been in the bath in the morning, so he beed extra fluffy and cute looking.
And he getted first prize! Mummy and daddy be so proud of him, and as you can see, he be pretty pleased with himself!
Here we be posing. Me knows me looks a bit snooty, but me no be jealous of Big Harry's red rosette, me be concentrating on the biscuit daddy beed dangling.
We getted SO much attention all day from everyone from toddlers to grannies. Lots of people said their grandparents used to have an Airedale, or old people said they had one as a child (we hears this a LOT!).
And this morning, me wented to Thames Valley Canine Society show in Slough. No photos cos mummy and me went on our own cos daddy wanted a lie in!
Me had to enter any variety not separately classified (AVNSC) Terrier Junior (from 6 - 18 months). There beed 3 of us in the class; me, a Bull Terrier and a Smooth Fox Terrier. Me getted 2nd place!
Phew, so that be all the show news for now. Me has another show next Sunday, that be the West of England & South Wales Airedale Terrier Club show. Lots of Airedales, whee! Mick be entered too, and me thinks our sissy Lottie coming to cheer us on.
Cassidy x
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Me Has Green Paws
Then he putted on his innocent face and tried to look like the cutest fuzzy bear possible and left the bit he'd been chewing near MY mouth!
But anyway, look! For the first time since mummy and daddy have lived here, the Wisteria has flowers on it!
Me must have green paws, cos my pruning has made the pretty purple flowers appear.
So, me thinks with my care and attention, the girl's sunflowers will be just fine!
Cassidy x