Monday 1 October 2007

3 Weeks Old

Well, here are the promised photos! I haven't actually got lots and lots as it was very warm in the room and my camera was fogging up furiously.

Needless to say, the pups are beautiful. They were just finishing off their lunchtime milk fix when we arrived. I think Maggie was happy to escape for a while for a toilet break and stretch of legs.

They all seem very teeny still. They all had fat little bellies full of milk. They all have their eyes open and it seems like they are starting to hear as they appeared to be reacting to our voices and to each other.

They can just about waddle around, but all look very drunken when they do, falling over lots and bumping into each other.

They still spend lots of time snoozing so we spent a lot of time sitting watching them. We didn't want to keep disturbing them and making them miss out on vital sleep.

As they are still so small and young, it's impossible to get a feel for their individual personalities or characters yet. The breeder has their eye on one girl in particular, and are possibly keeping a second too. 2 other couple were there at the same time we were, and another was visiting on Sunday, so that's all of them accounted for!

We will go back in 2 weeks to see them again. By then they should be very different - a fair bit bigger, starting to be weaned, and much, much more active! It will be very exciting to see them all again and see how their unique characters are developing.

They have said they will pick the one(s) they are keeping at 6 weeks to give everyone else the chance to choose. I don't know what number we are in the list, but I'm sure whichever pup turns out to be Cassidy will be the right one for us. I'm sure Oscar has a paw in it all and is sorting it out for us. We got to see Oscar's mum and his elder brother Arthur which was lovely.

We have some other news which I'm trying to post on Oscar's blog without much luck. If I can't I'll post it here.

Katy and Martin x


Ferndoggle said...

I can almost smell the puppy breath! I'll bet you are getting so excited for your new addition.

Looking forward to more pictures!


Faya said...

Oh comme ça me rapelle Faya ! Ils sont tellement différents que lorsqu'ils seront adultes. Je veux qu'un bébé boxer ressemble à un boxer mais je trouve que le bébé airedale ne ressemble pas à ce qu'il sera adulte non ? Est-ce-qu'ils auront la queue coupée ?
Bisous à tous
Véronique et Faya

Dandy Duke said...

OMG, look at those fat little tummies! They are sooooooooooooo adorable! I can't even stand it! You must be so excited!
Your little girls are just precious!

Love ya lots,

Ruby Bleu said...

OMD they are still so tiny but are oh so cute!!! Did the girls like them? Look like they did. They must be excited too!!!

Lots of Licks, ruby

Anonymous said...

Oh look at them! ALL so cute, but Cassidy is beautiful!

Koobuss said...

Oh Katy & Martin,

We are very happy for you. Those puppies are so precious! Don't you just want to hug them all? Such innocence. It's beautiful. You must be thrilled and very excited!!

What a wonderful thing you did taking in Harry. He will love you dearly, and vice versa.

Sending long distance hugs to all of you.
Koobuss and Family

Snowball said...

The puppies are so cute!!! I can't wait to find out which one is our little Cassidy.


Gus said...

Oh my, you have muzzer started on puppies again. I think we need a rescue dale, if she doesn't want another wire. Wouldn't we look funny walking down the street? Teka and me and the Dale...A set of terriers, related by love.

kissies to all of you

Stanley said...

Katy & Martin!

I'm completely and totally excited for you guys! I'm with Jen... can almost smell the puppy breath (or as Sunshade would say, the STINKY breath). It's like perfume.

Can't wait to see more photos and hear more news.

Lisa (Stanley's girl)

Anonymous said...

I dare say you have a great home! I bet you can't wait to meet your new family Cassidy! And Harry! So much new stuff for you!

Myeo said...

We are so excited!!!!

We will keep coming back to read about you.

Boy n Baby

Headgirl said...

Hi Katy & Martin
They are just so sweet.
What a thrill to have a new puppy, can barely wait to see which ones Cassidy. Am that excited for you both..


The Thuglets said...

As they say in our camp absolutely puppalicious!
OOOOOOOhhhh we can't wait to see which one Cassidy is. So exciting for you Katy Martin and Harry.

The Thugletsx

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Puppy Breath rocks!!! Those pups looked like they spent too much time at the Milk Bar...drunken sailors, all of them! So happy for you Katy and Martin...and with Harry...we are overjoyed. Terriers rule!!
Scruffy and Lacie

Now Mumsie wants a Dale pup!

PerfectTosca said...

Oh my Dog! The Woman is just dancing, she wants to kiss those puppies faces all over!

I guess I could scootch down and try to look like a puppy but that's kinda hard with my Collie size and all.

Me and The Woman are so happy for you Katy and Martin. Cassidy is going to be soooooooo cool!

Lacy said...

woofies Harry, Katy and Martin!!!! oooooo those r sum cute u r sooo xcited...makes my mama want a new puppy now..and welcome to our dwb's family Harry!!!!

b safe,

ps, hope my harrwy storwy wasnt to hard on u...

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. We want one!
Finni xx

the many Bs said...

They are so cute and little. What an adorable pile of pups.