Friday, 30 November 2007

Christmas Is Coming!

Hello chaps and chapesses! Well, before we've even got our Christmas cards written, we have already received three beautiful cards! We have told ma she needs to help us out, but she is revising for exams next week. She has promised to help us write and post them next week, so they should soon be winging their merry old way. Jolly good!

Ma tried to get Cassidy to pose nicely and not chew them to bits. As you can see she managed, although the little miss doesn't look too happy! We have received cards from Simba, Comet and Blu and Lenny. Comet and Blu and Lenny are new friends now, which makes this Christmas card exchange even more fun!

Simba also sent us this rather lovely rawhide stocking complete with rawhide lollipops. Thanks awfully Simba!

Ma said that we had to share and that Cassidy should probably have the actual stocking as the coloured lollipops may make her a bit loopy. I say that should read more loopy!

Ma was going to record me eating the lollipop to show you how fast I gobble treats, but this photo was all the evidence she got! By the time she had pressed record it was in my tum! Ah well, there's two more to eat, so she may yet get it on film. It was jolly nice I have to say!

Cassidy on the other hand took a bit more time despite those ever so sharp puppy razor teeth.

It will keep her quiet for a while at least! Ma kept an eye on her, but even after an hour she had barely made a dent on it!

Although she does seem to have turned into a bat as a side effect of chewing it!

Did you see that we had our Christmas bandannas on in those photos? That's because we had been posing for our Christmas card photo. The actual photo is a secret for now, but if you look at the next photo of Cassidy you'll see why I'm so happy!

Har har! Look what she had to wear! I told ma a bandanna and no more, but young Cassidy is not as good at me as standing up for herself, and I wasn't about to help out as I needed a good chuckle!

Ta ta for now all. I hope you all have an excellent weekend.

Toodle pip,
Harry x


Duke said...

How sweet of Simba to send you Christmas rawhide goodies! Love that picture of Cassidy in her Santa hat!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball said...

Harry, I love the picture of you laughing. You sure look happy. Did Cassidy do anything funny durign the photo shots?

Our Christmas cards aren't ready too but we have printed the envelope and you are on our mailing list. hee...


Simba and Jazzi said...

I can't believe how quickly you got it. Glad you both had a good chew.

Simba xx

Lacy said...

woofies Cassidy and Harry........yummmie trweats, and u didnt haff to wait fur santapaws...heehee cassidy weally gets into dat chewin dont she...congratulashuns on ur luvs to come c what u 2 been up to...

b safe,

Peanut said...

Oh haha poor cassidy. haha thanks for the laugh Harry.

Asta said...

I'm so glad you didn't have to get all dwesse up, but i must say I can't wait to see youw photos..those tweats look vewy yummy!
We haven't finished ouw cawds yet, fiwst i'm going to a space pawty, then I have to get weady fow my StNicholas day pawty..I can't wait to see you thew..tell cassidy, that thewe will be lots of tots to play with!have a gweat weekend
smoochie kisses

Faya said...

On va être ensevelis sous des tonnes de cartes !!!! Youpiiieeee
Bisous, Faya
et bon week-end à tous !

Anonymous said...

Brilliant photos as ever! Harrys big grin and Cassidys santa hat had me chuckling....!

Cashew said...

Hi Harry and Cassidy,

Nice to meet you!

Thanks for reading my blog. Looks like you got some really great goodies.


the many Bs said...

You are really having fun with those christmas stocking lollipop chews. and little Cassidy looks very cute with her little stocking hat. we hope we get to see your pictures that you put on your cards.


Noah the Airedale said...

Cripes you two got off lightly, well done! Little Cassidy looks so cute munching away. We love the video.

Harry mate, good idea about the brothers with naughty sisters club. Alf and I will be in it for sure.


2shibas said...

We love secrets! We can't keep them, though, so it's a good thing you didn't share your photo! : )

Great vid, Cassidy! The holiday spirit sure is in the air!

Wiley & Fievel

Ruby Bleu said...

Don't worry Harry, we're not done with our cards either...but I told Mom to get on it!!! Cassidy looks very cute in the Santa hat!!!

Have a great weekend!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Harry
Looks like you and Cassidy are really enjoying your treats!
Yes, she looks like a bat!! And you great in that smiling picture!
I can't wait to see your Christmas picture!
Have a good night

Gus said...

Harry Old Chap!

Very good work keeping your Mom limited to a Bandannanaanna. Cassidy will learn as she gets older. But, you know, I think Asta and Snickers like dressing up! Wimmen. Can't figure them out at all.


Agatha and Archie said...

Well Cassidy ,that is going to take you quite a long time!! And Harry you are so funny laughing at your baby sister( good show though getting out of a costume!) Have a good weekend too! Love A+A

Boo Casanova said...

harry, that's one SUPER DUPER EVIL EVIL SMILE you got there! even the eyes SPELL EVIL!!! hahahahaha

i think cassidy is just too gentle. afterall she's a girl! is that LOVE SHAPE chewie i spotted on her? hmm... are those from simba? i hope simba is not flirting with lil cassidy behind my back!

wet wet licks


Joe Stains said...

you should stock up on those rawhides to keep cassidy busy so you can sneak of to rest! too bad she got stuck with the hat, but us older more mature dogs don't need to be bothered with accessories!

Amber-Mae said...

Hehehe Cassidy, can your tini tiny little teefies handle that raw hide sock? So cute! Those lollipops look yummy. I got two of those too from Verdi & Gaucho but my sistas stole them & ate them all by themselves!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Black and Tans. said...


There should be a health warning on the side of those chews!

"Care should be exercised whilst eating these chews, Excess chewing may cause bat side affects"! LOL.

Love the photo of you grinning we Dales certainly have brilliant smiles.

Molly (and Taffy)

Luckie Girl said...

Those lolly treats look really cute. PS : Cassidy's bat ears remind me of myself! hehehe

Stella said...

Hi, Mr. Harry!

You look very happy with your treats, and with Cassie Girl behind bars. I hope you enjoy your treats when you're gobbling them down.

Hey, Cassie Girl!

You look very happy about the treats too. Not so happy about sitting pretty or wearing Santa's baby hat.

I love the bat photo of you! You're ears look so perty and big. You're already bigger than I am, and I'll never catch up to you. (Sigh) I think I'm destined to be a munchkin.

Tiny goobette kisses & love,


Hi Harry and Cassidy,
You guys look happy with the treats. Those lollipops look yummy! Maybe next time your mum can catch you in action! You sound a little like Dixie when she gets a doggy chupa chup - its gone before I have even chewed the top off!

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hi Harry and Cassie! Great photos of you! Looks like your peeps are getting in the Christmas spirit already!

Bogart H. Devil said...

Aw, such sweet photos of the two of you...

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Oh the bat photo of Cassidy is great! We can't wait to see what christmas photo you come up with!

Jessica said...

Look at Cassidy in jail behind you. That picture is so adorable!!

Our cards are ready to go in the mail as soon as our picture gets here from the printers. Hopefully Monday.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Lillie Valentine said...

Hey you guys!! Those are some great cards and gift. It is snowing here today!! I LOVE snow!! The hooman pups love it too. We played outside and had lots of fun. Talk to you soon!! Lovely Lillie

Randi said...

Hi Harry! You look like you're having a great time chewing on those chewies! & I think Cassidy needs to get together with Stanley's little sis Stella - they could wear eachother out & you & Stan could sit back & drink a whiskey or something...

Love & Licks,

Kirby said...

Hi Harry,

Yum, your treat and Cassidy's looked so good! I'll have to nudge Mom to get me a treat when we're done typing. He he! You are so lucky to get out of wearing anything more than a bandana, that feat is worth smiling for! Can't wait to see your picture!

Your pal,

Persephone and Buster said...

Cassidy is definitely a crazed elf! Betcha Christmas morning will be exciting!

Wow--LOTS of cards and lollipops. NOTHING gets between an airedale and a lollipop!


Buster & Persephone

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh we loved the video of Cassidy! Plus the wonderful pictures of you of course!

How kind of Simba to send you those yummy treats!

I particularly liked the Batty Pic of Cassidy, that was soooooo funny!

We are not in the Christmas Card Exchange this year, but we will do some special wishes on my blog instead!

Lookng forward to a lovely Christmas! Wish you Mum luck in her exams please Harry!

love and Christmas Licks, Marvin xxxxxxx

T-man Angel said...

Aww, Cassidy is such a sweetie. She'll learn how to munch those rawhides quickly someday like you do, Harry. You'll be a good teacher.


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, isn't the Xmas card exchange pawsome! I've got 5 cards already! Haven't sent all mine out yet. The woman in the post office thinks J1 is the most popular person EVER! Of course J1 neglected to tell her that they were all from ME to MY PALS! Hehehe!

Eddie N Peaches said...

Cassidy is soooo cute. And you are so hamsome, Harry.
Wow, she's going to be a super-chewer. Look at Cassidy go on that chewie!
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie, Peaches & Bella

Lesley Rigby said...

Harry, you are very naughty insinuating your sister is a little bit loopy! Typical brother and sister..............and I really hope you two are helping Ma revise for her exams. Wish her good luck from me!

B said...

Cas - you look very adorable in your little hat. Don't let your big brother get you down.

Frasier said...

I will be careful not to say anything rudeto Cassidy incase she bites me with those teeth!!!

Tadpole said...

Hi Harry and Cassidy!!! It's been a while since I got over here! Looks like you're both doing well! :-)

I have a question for Harry, though... that treat kept Cassidey busy for HOURS?! I need to get one of those for that little cousin of mine. Hmmm... I wonder where Simba got it.

fee said...

hi harry and cassidy, it must've been so tiring posing for photos all day. i hope you both had fun nonetheless!


Clover said...

Hi Harry and Cassidy!
You both look so cute in your Christmas gear!
Glad you enjoyed your Christmas treats too.
Love Clover xo

Ferndoggle said...

This whole holiday thing is pretty darn cool, huh? I love your bandanas. Mom just found ours with last years decorations.

We haven't had rawhides in ages. I need to have a talk with our Mother about that.


Lenny said...

Hi Harry and Cassidy! I am very glad to be new friends with you too. I always love meeting other handsome terriers! Glad you got my card already.

Your new buddy, Lenny

Amber said...

What lovely cards! whoa, Christmas rawhide lolipops :)
Cassidy is adorable with the little santa's hat.I coldn't find my size, I have to wear hooman's size.

L said...

Those rawhides look great - especially the lolypops. Cassidy looks so cute in her santa hat.
We're glad that you are our new friends too!
Comet and BLU