Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Remembering Oscar

Today would have been dear Oscar's 2nd birthday, so we are feeling a little down here. Ma is not sure if she ever showed his pals these beautiful paintings. The one on the left was painted by Asta's mum Ami. The one on the right was painted by Barbara Keigher at the request of Sunshade & Jaffa, Maggie & Mitch, Bogart, Stanley, Lele & Tris (The Airechicks), Liberty, Lillie Valentine, Putter & sweet Faya his sweetheart. They are both very treasured and hang in the upstairs hall with all his certificates. They are the first thing ma and pa see when they get out of bed in the morning.

We are each wearing one of Oscar's bandanna's as you can see, and we have been to his beloved Seven Fields for a walk even though the rain is pouring down. Cassidy went with a to see her & Oscar's breeders this morning.

Happy 2nd birthday to you Oscar. We dearly wish we could spend it with you.

Mummy, Daddy, Harry & Cassidy xxxx


Faya said...

J'y ai beaucoup pensé aujourd'hui avec Véronique. Certaines personnes ou animals nous marquent plus que d'autres : nous n'oublieront jamais notre petit Oscar. Bisous à tous, Faya & Véronique

Ruby Bleu said...

Dear Cassidy & Harry...
I'm very sad today too...I miss Oscar. Please make sure to give your Pa and especially your Ma some extra loving and licks today.

The one thing that I AM happy about is that I got to be friends with Oscar!

Lots of Loving Licks, Ruby (and Michele too)

The Airechicks said...

Harry & Cassidy:

Give Ma & Pa extra luvs ....

Oscar would not want you to be sad - celebrate the love and joy and all the smilies and laughter!!!

Our lifes are better for knowing him.....


The Airechicks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ferndoggle said...

Take good care of your Mom & Dad today, H & C. They'll need lots of extra kisses...

Oscar will live on forever in our hearts. We are honored we got a chance to share his life.

And the paintings are just lovely.

Sherman, Penny & Lola
(Jen & Scotty too)

The Black and Tans. said...

Harry and Cassidy

Please give your Ma and Pa a great big hug from us.

The paintings of Oscar are brilliant, thank you for showing them to us.

Molly and Taffy

Princess Patches said...

We are still missin Oscar too! He was here for such a short time, but we know he is watching over all of you. He did such a good job of finding the two of you for K & M. He will be in all of our hearts forever!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Kyanite said...

I'm so glad I met Oscar, he was one very special Aire boy!
I'll always remember him with affection.

Thinking of you all .

Love, pats & pets

Duke said...

We're smiling through tears here! We sure do miss you, Oscar! What beautiful paintings! We sure do miss you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Persephone and Buster said...

hi ms. cassidy and's time to give lots of play bows and slurps to the humans.. especially if they are leaking. they do tend to leak sometimes when happy -- but lots when they are sad.. so slurp away and tell them to think of all the happy things about "oscar"...he was a very special boy and we will celebrate his 2nd b-day.. big hugz to you and your humans.
theBUSTER, ms. persephone & Ms. Blue and the humomm too

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Happy Birthday Oscar. Those are some beautiful paintings..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Lacy said...

w00f's Harry, Cassidy, Katy and Martin..sorry to say we didnt get to meet Oscar, even angel Lacylulu didnt...but from watt all our friends say, he was pawsome...luv the paintings of him...u 2 take care of ur ma and pa, and give them extra hugs and kisses today...

b safe,

Gus said...

We agree with Faya and Veronique. Some dogs make more of an impression than others. We miss Oscar, but we also treasure the opportunity to know Harry and Cassidy (who are also special, in their own ways)

Each of the marvelous portraits capture a different aspect of Oscar. Each of us treasure him in our own way. As a community, we are stronger because he was a member.

kisses to all

Peanut said...

We think those are very lovely paintings. We are thinking of you guys. Make sure you take care of your mom and dad.

Patience-please said...

we're very glad that your sweet humans have you two to loe them. We'll be sending them extra whippet bestest wishes, too.

wags from the whippets

Lillie Valentine said...

I'm sure you miss Oscar very much. We know how sad it is to lose such a young pup. It's my grammies birthday today too. On a happier note, send aire ruby a note as we are all off to Joey and Tanner's folks wedding!

Amber-Mae said...

It's sad that Oscar is not with us to celebrate his 2nd Barkday. But I bet he's up there celebrating with his other Angel pals. Those paintings are just gorgeous! Happy 2nd Barkday Angel Oscar!!!

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday Oscar! Oh boy! Sure I miss him! those paintings are beautiful!
Kisses and hugs to you two, your mom and dad!

Asta said...

Cassidy and Harry
You come fwom a line of's a most wondewful legacy..I know I will see my sweet fwiend Oscaw again and we'll make up fow all the times we miss togethtew now..He will always be thewe watching ovew you and guiding you and being pwoud of you.
my love to you and especially to youw pawents..ouw thoughts awe wif you..I hope the pictoowe makes you smile sometimes
loving smoochie kisses

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I misses sweet Oscar. I hope angel Oscar have a happy birthday with the friends over the rainbow bridge

~ Girl girl

Boo Casanova said...


i miss oscar. and those 2 paintings are just wonderful. is ma & pa getting you two painted too?

wet wet licks


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, I will always have a special place in my heart for Oscar, one of my first blogging friends. Those paintings are a lovely tribute to him. J x

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Harry and Cassidy....

You two must be such a comfort to you parents today. I'm sure they given both of you snuggling hugs and just smelled the sweet softness of your fur while they thought of your dear brother.

We love the portraits! We're remembering Oscar today and the legacy of love and joy he left!

Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan

Noah the Airedale said...

There was something about Oscar...he sure was special. Happy 2nd birthday precious boy. We miss you terribly.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Bogart H. Devil said...

Much love to the entire household on a special day for a special boy. We really do miss ya Oscar, and hope that you're running around with your wubba in the sky!


Kirby said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate Oscar's second birthday. My mom was inspired by Oscar's blog and decided to create one for myself, so I will always have Oscar to thank for helping to get my mom up and blogging for me.

The paintings are gorgeous, such beautiful reminders of what a wonderful dog Oscar was. Happy Birthday to you Oscar, I hope my birthday wishes reach you over the rainbow bridge!!!

Your pal,

the many Bs said...

this is a nice memory of Oscar. those paintings are beautiful.

we miss him too. we will always remember him.



What a lovely way to remember dear Oscar. Those paintings are such a treasure. We miss him so much as he was our first introduction to the life and ways of an Airedale.
He would have been aorund the same age as Dixie. Happy 2nd Birthday dear Oscar.
Jazz, Dixie and their Mum

Miss Ellie and Baz said...

Oscar's star is shining brightly over all of us. He will never be forgotten.
Special hugs to Katy and Martin.
Oscar's life was too short, but it was filled to the brim with love.
Shine on sweet boy.

Miss Ellie, Baz and the humans xxxxxxxx

Pippa said...

Oscar was a special friend to so many of us and while there will always be a part of your mum and dad's life that belongs to Oscar you are both doing such a good job to help their pain feel a little less.

Give them lots of love and kisses.


Agatha and Archie said...

Oscar was a special fiend to us all and will always be remembered. Those paintings are wonderfull and you are very lucky to have them....Give your Mom and Pop a special hug and smoochie tonight and here's to you dearest Oscar! Love A+A+PL2

Sophie Brador said...

I didn't realize Oscar's birthday was so close to mine. I'm going to have a giant cookie just for him.


T-man Angel said...

Those paintings are so beautiful! What a wonderful idea! I think you are lucky to be following in Oscar's footsteps, living with a mom and dad who loved him so dearly, and who love you & take care of you so well.

Give your mom & dad a hug and kiss from CC-man and me. I'm sure they're missing Oscar right now.


Myeo said...

Beautiful pictures. We miss Oscar. He is really a special boy.

Boy n Baby

Deetz said...

I wish I could have met Oscar. I just got back from vacation and so much went on while I was away. Sunflowers. My mum says she loves those.
I can't wait to see when they are all grown up

Huskee and Hershey said...

*sniffle*... Happy 2nd Barkday to dear Oscar. He will always be remembered..

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Oscar - I'm sorry I'm late with my greetings as usual!

Harry & Cassidy are doing you proud....

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday Handsome Oscar. We miss you terribly! And those are some stunning photos of you that Harry and Cassidy are standing behind!