All is well with all of us. Harry is still doing really well despite a bit of a creaky back leg, not that he'll admit to it. He had his 12th birthday in March. Cassidy is now 21 months and still a silly puppy in personality, though has grown into a very beautiful young lady (I'm biased I know).
Here are a few photos from the last 6 months.
In February we had a LOT of snow, more than I've seen for years, Cassidy loved it, Harry wasn't all that impressed!

She spends lots of time catching up on her beauty sleep!
They have been out and about lots with their pals.
Harry has yet again got sick and tired of me taking photos of him!
Cassidy was very unimpressed that I stripped her right down to her underwear!

But she has kept on winning

They have enjoyed spending lots of time with their human "sisters".
And the gangle puppy has turned into a swan. At the beginning of June Cassidy won the Airedale Terrier bitch reserve Challenge Certificate at Southern Counties Championship show, which means she gets her stud book number and is now Crufts qualified for life. I am very proud of my beautiful girl.
And Harry is as handsome as ever, I just invested in a set of professional clippers and he had a much needed Airecut and is a much happier chap.
I will try to get back into the blogging, but it seems so hard to keep up with the many bloggers, but I have missed reading what you're all getting up to.
Hopefully you can forgive us and sorry for worrying you. Now I just need to work out how to get the blog out of Dutch or German or whatever language it seems to be in on all the buttons etc!
Katy x
Oh, we did miss you!!! One of our non-DWB airedale pals, Linus, just turned 12 today -- so we now know two elegant gentlemen of a certain age.
Congratulations to Cassidy on all her wins. You were at Crufts and qualified for life -- that means we'll always have a chance to see you in the finals!!
Lots of love from your wirey pals,
Jake and Just Harry
We are sooooooo happy that everything is going well for all of you. Our mom was REALLY worried! She was going to pee-mail you several times, but was afraid of what the news might be. Needless to say, we were quite worried!
Cassidy, you are indeed a beautiful girl! Congrats on all your wins!
Harry, you are very handsome with your new Aire-cut. We know all about those stiff leggies. We are taking Liquid Health Level 5000 and it seems to help.
We are sooooo glad you are back!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
So HAPPY to hear all is well with you guys!
That Harry just as handsome a EVER!!!!
Cassidy what beautiful girl she's bloomed into....Congrats on all your awards...
Tell Martin and the girls they have done a wonderful job!!! And you too
We have missed you but understand life beckons.....
Big ASTA's SMMOOOCHIES for all!!
It is so nice to see you guys again. Glad things are going so well.
Oh My Dog!!!!!
It is so wonderful to see your faces again, and look how much you have grown lil Cassidy.....Woo Hoo
I got a new puppy, and I am not sure if or not, but lil Gizmo passed away and won post of the month for writing about it....Times flys so not sure if you knew already or not. Mum has to take breaks too from helping us blog because it gets overwhelming....Nice to see your faces. I was SOOOO worried!
Whooooooooooohooooooooooooo! How awesome to hear from you both! Congratulations to Cassidy! You make us all proud! Way to go! One day we'll see you win BIS! We can feel it coming!
OMG, Harry, if you aren't a sight for sore eyes! Happy belated 12th birthday! You look fabulous! My 11th is coming up, ya know, Harry!
Thank you so much for posting all the pictures! What a treat!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Welcome back!
And yes, it is much harder nowadays to keep up, we are finding it quite a struggle too, hence my post before last on Marvin's where I had a bit of a "hissy fit".
I am so glad you are back, and also that all is going so well with you, and the family, plus Cassidy and Harry.
No worries about posting or commenting, just enjoy your dogs!
As long as we know you are ok, its all that matters.
ps I have been to Australia to stay with Opy and Charlie since I was last in contact with you!
It was a blast!
lotsaluv, Jeannie xxxxx oh and Marvin xxxxxxxxx
Hi, friends!
Yes, I was worried too!
Glad to know everything is well!
Congratulations to Cassidy! She is great!
Happy Birthday to Harry!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Oh How wondewful to see Cassidy and Hawwy again!!!
I missed you..we gets way too hectic sometimes, but you wewe always in ouw thoughts and I'm so vewy happy to heaw about you again.
We wewe a little wowwied and it's faboolous to see how well Hawwy is (and of couwse soo handsome) and Cassidy's achievements awe mawvelous. She was always a champion in my eyes..I'm so happy it's been made official! congwatulations Cassidy (and Katy too).
You awe a most pawfect aiwegiwl!!!Soo bootiful(even in youw undies, hehehehehe)
smoochie kisses to you!
I hope to see you again even if it's not too fwequent!
ASTA and Mommi
Quelle joie de vous revoir tous et surtout en pleine forme. Je vous envoie plein de bisous et des câlins pour Harry et la magnifique Cassidy ...
Véronique, Faya & Dyos
Sweet Katie!
Thanks for all the photos of Harry & Cassidy and for letting us know what you've been up to. Cassidy is a gorgeous girlie and we are SO PROUD of her and you for your hard work. One day we will be interviewed by the big guns wanting to know what it was like to know her "way back when" before she was a champion.
Harry just keeps getting better lookin' all the time. (That's encouraging news for us male dales.)
Goober love & smooches,
Thanks for the updates and all of the photos. We are proud of Cassidy and of you for all the great work with her!!
So nice to see you two again.
That Cassidy! Wow! I bet all the stud dales will be after her now. Sorry about the extreme aire cut. Thus the price of beauty, I suppose.
Keeping up? Yeah, don't worry about it. Sometimes there are just to many "stuffs" to do in a day.
Lucky we're PA pals otherwise we'd have been very worried about you guys.
We understand about trying to keep up with everything. It can be overwhelming.
Glad you had a chance to update your blog.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hi Harry and Cassidy!
I am so happy to hear that you are all doing well. I really missed you.
Thanks for sharing pictures to update us.
I understand what you mean about the difficulty in keeping up with every blogger...but I just try not to stress out about that. Blogging has to be fun and not stressful!
Congrats Cassidy on all your wins - I am proud of you too!!
Welcome back friends! We have missed you two!
So nice to see all of the new pictures... and Cassidy, what a beautiful(and smart!) lady you've become!
We are back! We have missed all our DWB friends.
Simba and Jazzi xx
welcome back guys.. good to see your post and your beeeeeUteeefull face ms.cassidy.. congratulations on your show career you have definitely grown up! and Mr. Harry.. good to see you too. looking good guys.
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue too
welcome back guys.. good to see your post and your beeeeeUteeefull face ms.cassidy.. congratulations on your show career you have definitely grown up! and Mr. Harry.. good to see you too. looking good guys.
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue too
OMD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so glad to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!
Harry you are as handsome as ever!!! And Cassidy...oh sweetest still have your white spot!!! (Is it fur dye? Tell all!!!) When Babystan saw your pic he fainted cold on the floor!!!!!!!!
We've missed you so much...can you maybe post once in a while just to keep us updated??? We need our Cassidy and Harry fix!!!!!!
Love to you and your peeps!!!!
And happiest of barkday's to ya sweet Harry!!!
Love and terrier kisses...
Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan and Mumsie
Hi guys,
Welcome back. We are glad to see that you have been doing so well and that Cassidy has indeed turned into a fine young lady. We know its hard keeping up with blogging especially with work commitments and had quite a while away too but now that mum is on holidays she can do a bit more blogging.
Great to hear all your news.
Great to hear from you guys again! Wow Cassidy! I am SO impressed with you! You were at Crufts? That is like one of the hoogest dog shows on Earth! How splendid! You look really really good girl. Your brudder must be sooo proud of ya! And Harry, you're looking all handsome as usual. Happy Belated 12th Barkday to you! We hope you & your family are doing well & having lots of funs!
Solid Gold Momma
Oh wow! I did miss yu! I waz worreed bowt Harry an mist his toodle-pips. Sutch grayte news abowt bein crufts kwallfyied for life! Wat a grayte gerl! Hehe! An I hope Harry had a grayte 12th berfday!
I larft at Cassidy's grumpy-stare foto! Haha!
Welkum bak! Nose hugs!
Please come over to my blog & vote for the short film I acted in called FLASHES!!!! Thank you!
"Famous" Solid Gold Actress
We came over to meet you from Blue's blog. We just started blogging in March so this is the first time we've been by. What beautiful Dales you are. Please come by and visit us sometime.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
I just come by from Blue's blog too. :) very nice to meet you and big congratulations to Cassidy!!
~lickies, Ludo
Been thinking of you Katy.
Jeannie xxxxx
I miss you doggies. :)
~ Bae
Happy birthday, Cassidy! We hope you have the most special birthday ever with lots of treats and hugs! We sure do miss you and Harry! Give Harry a smoochie for me, okay?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We missed you so much Cassidy and Harry!!!! We're glad all is well with you.
Momo & Pinot
Congrats on your status and wins Cassidy, your face is so sweet and expressive even if you aren't the puppy girl anymore.
Harry's fuzzbody was my favorite, but I'm working on my own shag look this season and I think it is coming along well If i do say so myself.
Hope you're all getting along, I am clearly blog neglecting of late myself but will be along again soon.
-Winnie Woo
Congrats on your status and wins Cassidy, your face is so sweet and expressive even if you aren't the puppy girl anymore.
Harry's fuzzbody was my favorite, but I'm working on my own shag look this season and I think it is coming along well If i do say so myself.
Hope you're all getting along, I am clearly blog neglecting of late myself but will be along again soon.
-Winnie Woo
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We sure do miss you and Cassidy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
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